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Video: 5 Ways to Speed Up Your Morning Makeup Routine

Mornings: when every second counts. So if you'd rather spend your am hours enjoying a coffee rather than stressing over how you look, this three minute video is a must watch

Kate is a Toronto-based lifestyle blogger and vlogger who inspires young professionals in the areas of career, style, and personal development. You can find more of her work here:  

Mornings are a struggle for most people.

And by struggle we mean a blur of emotions, stress, and snooze buttons.

So anything that saves some time and lets us have a few more minutes with our precious coffee seems more than worth it.

Last month, blogger Kate Lauren shared her Five Easy Hairstyles Women Can Wear to Work, and now she’s back to help anyone looking to cut down on their morning makeup routine.

So if you want to look as good as possible in as little time as possible, these three minutes are for you:


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