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Trump actually asked if it was possible to put his face on Mount Rushmore

There’s a long-existing joke that Donald Trump is so vain that he expects his face to be on Mount Rushmore. Like many seemingly incomprehensible Trumpisms, this one is all too real. According to the New York Times, last year a White House aide asked South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem about

Trump’s racist rhetoric is creating jobs in Canada

Duolingo, one of the world’s most popular language-learning apps, is all about connecting with the world. Donald Trump, president of the country in which Duolingo was founded and is headquartered, has no such ambition. Part of Trump’s ‘America First’ foreign policy means making it more difficult for foreigners to obtain

Poll Reveals Conditions Are Ripe for Trump-Style Leader in Canada

We’re reaching the anything-can-happen stage ahead of the 2019 federal vote. Which is probably reason enough to treat any election polls over the next month or so about as seriously as an election promise. Nevertheless, a recent Ipsos survey reveals a concerning attitude among Canadian voters. Namely, that of populism.

Trump Threatens Canada’s “Ruination” With “Devastating” Tarrifs

U.S. President Donald Trump kicked his weekend off by escalating the rhetoric around the ongoing trade tensions between Canada and the United States. Speaking in his trademark baby-talk, Trump lamented that “Canada has been ripping us off for a long time,” before demanding that “they’ve got to treat us fairly.” But

3 in 4 Canadians Say They Will Stop Visiting the U.S. Because of Trade War

Canadians are playing their part in the Donald Trump-fuelled North American trade war by pulling their precious tourist dollars. At least that’s the plan, according to a Nanos Research survey commissioned by CTV News and the Globe and Mail. Of the thousand Canadians polled,  74 per cent say they are likely