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6 Reasons to Splurge on Organic Food

It’s easy for the term organic to get mixed in with all the other diet and foodie fad buzzwords. It’s also easy to assume that organic is just another popular marketing ploy, like “all natural” and “eco-friendly.” Here’s why we’re confident that the government regulated “certified organic” label that exists here in our fine country is worth its weight in extra toonies

Can’t Commit to Going Full Vegetarian? Try Flexy

If only there was a way to consume a more plant-based diet and reap all those herbivorous benefits without having to give up our meaty faves for good. Well, ta da, there is. Say hello to the healthy diet that really lets you to have it all: Flexitarianism

Super Foods For The New Year

Instead of holding yourself to unrealistically high expectations this year, why not try incorporating a few super foods into your diet that can help you live healthier without giving up all your favourite foods and drinks?

GMO 101: The Basics of Genetically Modified Organisms

When it comes to hot topics, nothing is more scorching these days than any and everything to do with our food – or more specially, where it comes from and how it’s produced. And that’s just where that big buzzword GMO comes into play

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, Guiltlessly (and with a hint of Magic)

We wake up at 6am to make it to spinning. We eat a salad for lunch – dressing on the side. We even manage to skip dessert after dinner. And then 11 o’clock rolls around. Somehow, all our willpower goes out the window. The reality is that in a battle with the sweet tooth, the sweet tooth always wins. So how can we satisfy our sweet cravings and stay healthy…