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Herbal Magic Declares Bankruptcy; Clients Lose Money, Not Weight

The country’s largest weight-loss chain has lost its magic touch. Late last week, Herbal Magic announced it had closed all its locations in central and Eastern Canada, and filed for bankruptcy. “It has become evident that our current business model is not viable in today’s changing weight-loss market and significant

Scientists Want You to Add More Insects to Your Diet

By 2050, there will be 9 billion people on our planet. While that number can exponentially increase, the amount of animal-yielding farmland in the world is pretty fixed. It does not take a scientist to determine we are reaching an unsustainable demand for animal protein. It does take a scientist,

The Skinny: The 7 Worst Hollywood Diet Methods for Your Body

With TIFF in town it made us start to think about how good some of these celebrities look – and how bad they’re being to their bodies to get that look. As young professionals, we take style and slimming cues from the stars all the time, but these are 7 diets you should never, ever try