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Artist Delivers Free Books Through the Streets of Buenos Aires in an Army Truck

An artist has taken to the streets of Argentina in an army tank armed with “Weapons of Mass Instruction.”

Raul Lemesoff has created a tank-like vehicle from a 1979 Ford Falcon and filled it with books.

His mission is to battle ignorance and spread knowledge.

artist delivers free books

His ‘Weapon Of Mass Instruction’ (Arma de Instruccion Masiva) is complete with a swivelling turret, a non-functioning gun, and no shortage of storage space to house about 900 books – both inside and outside the vehicle.

As documented in a video made by 7Up, the Buenos Aires-based artist delivers free books to people of all ages.

artist delivers free books

He has just one condition: they must read what’s been given to them. If that doesn’t inspire you to pick up a novel yourself to add to your book collection, I don’t know what will.

If you need some recommendations, here are some from Margaret Atwood.

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