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Millennial Love: It’s Not a Relationship, It’s a Situationship

You’ve been sleeping together for months. You think (or more likely, you hope) that you’re both not sleeping with other people, but you wouldn’t exactly bet your life on it, either. You know their likes and dislikes, you know each other’s friends, you might know about their family. The topic

Let’s Talk About Gut Health

Around this time two years ago, I called my parents after work in total, incoherent tears. I had just canceled my plans for that Friday evening because I was so overcome with digestive distress, yet again, that I could barely sit upright comfortably, let alone go out in public. “I

Getting Unplugged: My Solo Trip to Florida

“Isn’t that just so nice?” The woman’s upbeat voice pulled my attention away from my Kobo. Smiling over at me while she and her husband took their seats at a table across the way, she motioned to where I was sitting by myself on the restaurant patio, lunch placed in

Millennials: Should we be Spending Now or Investing for the Future?

Whilst mindlessly scanning through my Instagram feed yesterday, my eyes settled on a meme that read: “Do you ever wonder if the bank just looks through your account and thinks, what the hell is this person doing?” I burst out laughing, quickly taking a screenshot to send to my friends.

There’s More to Love About Fall Than Pumpkin Spice

We’re just entering the final stretch of October and yet, Mother Nature being the fickle force we often love to hate, is just now deciding to gift us with some consistent 18-20 degree autumn days (where was this two months ago?!). We won’t complain though, especially with all the looming