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8 Good Reasons to Get Married After 30

Once upon a time, most of us envisioned ourselves married (or at least engaged) before the age of 30. A lot of our parents were, after all. But times have changed. And you’ve changed a lot since 22, too. Here are 8 good reasons to get married after the ago of 30

Your Facebook newsfeed has been dominated by “engaged” status updates for a while now.

Like, A WHILE.

And, whether you chose to admit it or not, it’s probably prompted an inevitable evaluation of your own life and relationship (or lack there of).

But before you feel like you’ve fallen behind in the whole “life stage” transition or wonder if you’re going to maintain that longstanding “single” status forever, consider these 8 good reasons to wait until you’re 30 (aka the new 20) or older to get married…

1. Your Siblings Have Probably Already Broken the Marriage Ice  
Since you waited so long that she finally gave up on you, your mom’s itch for grandchildren was met when your siblings opted to do it all before you. This is a very good thing.

2. You’ve Gotten Your Solo Life Out of Your System  
Waiting to get married means you can cater to your undying travel bug without the consultation and approval of a spouse, have the disposable income to spend freely on nights out (you’ve yet to buy a house and have kids, after all), and – if you’re still single – making out with a sexy stranger is always an option. Because you’ve had an extra few years to do it all, you’ll likely have gotten it all out of your system by the time you finally lock it down.

3. You’re Not Yourself Until You’re 30
Most of us change drastically between our twenties and early thirties – that decade makes a massive difference. Our habits, tendencies, beliefs, and the ability to sit comfortably and confidently in our own skin often don’t become fully developed until our late twenties. Meaning, if you decide to tie the knot when you’re both under the age of 25, odds are your partner isn’t going to be the same person you married ten years later.

4. By Now, You Can Detect Warning Signs and Deal Breakers  
Along with the whole growing into your skin thing, when it comes to the romance department, the experiences gained in waiting to get married mean you’ve become a seasoned pro (or at least, seasoned) when it comes to dating and relationships. You now know exactly what you want and need when it comes to a relationship – and exactly what you are and aren’t willing to put up with.

5. There’s Not As Much Pressure For You to Have an Epic Bachelor Party or Bachelorette
When your first friend got engaged, the guys and girls all agreed that the bachelor or bachelorette party had to be absolutely epic. As in, a wild weekend in Vegas or a night out in your city that costs everyone more than a flight to Vegas and ends at 8:00am with just as epic a hangover. A dozen or so bachelor or bachelorette parties later, the pressure to make yours amazing is off, which is great since hangovers now last days.

6. You Know What Works and What Doesn’t at Weddings
From tiny and intimate to massive and over-the-top, by now you’ve seen it all when it comes to weddings. And you’ve probably been in quite a few as well. From the lengths of both the ceremony and speeches (you know what we’re talking about), to the meals, themes, entertainment, and party favours, you have firsthand insight into what works when it comes to planning your own wedding. Who needs a wedding planner, now?

7. Your Wallet’s in Better Shape  
For all the spending on travel and nights out, your general financial state is way healthier than it was in your mid-twenties (when it was on life support). Not only have you finally begun to reap the financial rewards of all of your pavement pounding in your career, you’ve finally tackled the art of budgeting and saving. That means, that cost of a wedding, mortgage, and kids won’t be such a major blow.

8. You Know Exactly What to Expect When it Comes to Having Kids
Because a growing number of your married friends are starting to have kids, your fairytale idea of what it’s like to have them yourself has already been burst with all the stories that your friends with kids have – the cute, bad, ugly, and seriously disgusting. Not to mention, judging from how rare it is to actually see your parent friends, you know that the beating your social life will inevitably take is no laughing matter. 


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