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This is What Bill Gates’ Summer Reading List Looks Like

If there’s ever a time to relax with a quality book, it’s during the lazy, hazy days of summer. So if you – or your book club – are in search of some light summer reads, Bill Gates can help. This year, his summer reading list features literature that’s on the lighter side

Video: This is How You Fend Off a Bear Attack

We live in Canada, which means we share this great country with bears. Bears, though usually timid around humans, can also be incredibly unpredictable – and lethal. Would you know how to react if one came barrelling towards you ready to feast? If not, just take a look at how Ralph Perrson of Sweden handled the situation

France is Banning Supermarkets From Throwing Out Excess Food

France has set a lofty goal of cutting food waste in half by 2025. Selling ugly fruits and vegetables at a 30 per cent discount is one strategy that’s already in place, and today the country has enacted another forward-thinking measure to meet its goal: supermarkets are banned from destroying excess edibles and will be encouraged to donate the leftovers

The Sticky Note Gets Reinvented for Our Modern Age

A start-up out of Finland has reinvented the sticky note as we know it – and the idea is starting to stick in a major way. The company is now scrambling to meet the massive demand for Magnetic, a sticky note that is static-charged and works like a whiteboard