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7 Reasons Valentine’s Day is Completely Made Up

Ain’t love grand? Yes. That is, provided it isn’t enforced on one day of the year and shoved down everyone’s throat. Call me bitter, call me jealous, call me whatever you want. Just don’t call me your ‘Valentine’. While I’m all for being lavished with gifts and given the romantic

16 Valentine’s Day Cards That Don’t Make Us Want to Throw Up

Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re sick of cheesy V-Day cards, and we bet you are too. Sure, you’re in love, and of course you want to send your significant other a card. The only trouble is, you’re not a big fan of the typical lovey dovey, mushy wushy, I-just-vomited-in-my-own-mouth sentiments

The Only Anti-Valentine’s Day Playlist You Need

We get it: not everyone is going to be a supporter of Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re single, or you just don’t give a sh*t, the whole production can be a bit of a drag. From cheesy love songs to heart-shaped pizzas, there’s plenty to be annoyed with by the time February 14th rolls around. So instead

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for Every Stage of a Relationship

Valentine’s Day is one of those rare times of year where a little more effort than usual is expected. A great way to demonstrate that you’re giving extra thought to the evening is to give your partner a gift of some sort. If you’re in a relationship (especially a new

9 Important Things for Singles to Remember This Valentine’s Day

One day a year, a winged orphan in a DIY diaper flies around trying to kill people with an arrow and everyone celebrates by making dinner reservations and getting all excited about candles. There’s also some cute mushy stuff that goes on between people who love each other, like hand-holding,