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Nope, Tinder’s New Feature Definitely Isn’t About Planning Orgies

Tinder not only hooks you up with romantic interests – whether that means a one-night-stand or a life partner – but a new social circle as well. It now allows people to go on group dates. And it has nothing to do with orgies either. We’re pretty sure. It’s new feature

Help Us Guess This Drink to Get Our Editor a Date

Calling all booze hounds, bartenders, and hopeless romantics – our Associate Editor needs your knowledge like he needs a stiff drink. In fact, he needs to know about a stiff drink so that he can possibly enjoy one in the near future with a lovely young lady. Living in Berlin with

Amy Schumer Took Over A Stranger’s Tinder Account and It Was Hilarious

Despite claiming she’s never used Tinder, Amy Schumer really has a way with guys. The 34-year-old comedian was able to dip her toes in the Tinder pool during a photo shoot for her May Vanity Fair cover when she was given full reign over the dating app on a magazine staff member’s