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New Research Shows Where Canada Ranks Among the World’s Sleep Patterns

We’ve all heard about the merits of a good night’s sleep in everything from improved cognitive function to anti-aging. A poor night’s sleep, on the other hand, has been blamed for bad diets to anxiety levels. New research from University of Michigan, however, found that cultural factors most influenced when

A Surprising Number of People Admit They Use Their Phone During Sex

We all know we have a smartphone addiction. In fact, you’re probably reading this on yours right now. But we only check our phones every two minutes, feel a phantom vibrating in our pockets, and generally live with our cells glued to our hands when we’re bored, don’t we? Well,

Toronto Luxury Real Estate Market Now Ranks Second in the World

According to a new report from Christie’s International Real Estate, Toronto and Victoria, B.C. are the second- and third-hottest luxury real estate markets in the world, respectively. Homes that sell for more than $3 million U.S. fall within the “luxury” definition. Toronto’s luxury market accumulated a whopping 48 per cent of

Friends With Your Ex? Turns Out You Might Be a Psychopath

“My ex is a TOTAL PSYCHO” said practically everyone at some point. And if you’re still hanging out with yours, you could be right. But that means you’re probably one too. If you’ve ever regarded those friends who remain chummy with exes post-breakup with suspicion, it turns out you might be