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How to Psychologically Prep for Your Next Hangover

We’ve all been there: It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon and you find yourself slouched on the couch, curtains closed, pajama pants on, eating Kraft Dinner from the pot, and feeling utterly disgusted with yourself. The physical affects of a hangover can be awful, but the only thing that can make such an icky day feel even worse are the psychological affects, also known as “the booze blues”

Maintaining Friendships After the Baby

For young professionals, maintaining an ongoing focus on our careers is a necessary tactic for success. So what happens when your best friend, the one you grew up with, graduated with, work with, decides to change their focus? How do young professionals cope when their best friend decides to make having a child their new top priority?

Clear the Clutter in All Aspects of Your Life

At present moment, you likely have a borderline panic-inducing never-ending to-do list in your head and accompanying thoughts of what you should be doing, who you need to call back and, inevitably, how stressed you are. It would help if you were more organized, both physically and mentally, wouldn’t it?

Planning for Morning Friendly Evenings

Long, hard days at work often result in equally long and hard nights of socializing that extend into the early hours of the morning. Social activities are essential for breaking up the monotony of the typical weekly routine, and can still be beneficial to your professional development

Your Notable Self in 2012: Social Life

Maintaining strong social relationships is just as important as fostering those on the career side of your young professional life, even if it means just going out for a few drinks here and there. Arrive at the office prepared to go out after and never miss an opportunity to add a few more people to your BBM or phone list