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Yes, We’re Talking About You

That’s okay, because we know you’re talking about us as well. We young professionals (YPs) have a lot to say about many things, including each other. We often know a lot about people we have never met in person, both socially and professionally, and there’s a fine line between conversation and gossip. Here are three interrelated reasons why people are talking about you now more than ever, and when you should (or shouldn’t) care

8 Social Challenges Everyone should Try

We challenge ourselves professionally, physically and mentally – why not challenge yourself socially? The point? To meet new people you otherwise may not but who could enrich your life, to strengthen the impression you leave in social situations, to take a step back to evaluate your approachability and ability to hold the interest of others, and, finally, for the hell of it

Notable Patio Series: The Lounge

Patio time is precious for us Canadians. This summer, we have already brought you our favourite patio pubs across the country. We now focus our attention to the patio lounge. You know, the perfect spot for those warm evenings that start early (and probably end late) with friends and coworkers; here are our top picks across the country

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Post Party Guilt

Let’s be honest: nothing feels great about waking up from a blurry evening, head pounding, mouth dry, and that inevitable frantic cell phone/wallet check. Then the hazy memories (or lack thereof) come flooding back, along with a sick sense of guilt as you think to yourself, “I should know better than this.”