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From Charity Gala to the Pub: The Perfect Shoe

For young professionals (YPs) across the country, a typical Thursday, Friday or Saturday evening can start early and end late, often filled with multiple events, establishments and even different groups of friends. There isn’t time to rush home to change outfits and footwear for each new door you step through in the course of an evening, so a shoe of versatility is a must

10 Rules for a Notable Weekend

From the ultimate night out to improving your Monday mentality, there’s more to having a notable weekend than just attending the right events. We’ve even covered how to handle FOMO or that impending hangover, depending on what you choose to do

Advice for the Young Professional Advice Givers

Many of us YPs would like to think of ourselves as someone that our colleagues, friends, and family can turn to for advice. We like to believe that they see us as educated and successful, and as an ideal resource for guidance and perspective. While being that go-to advice person is certainly a special honour, a lot of responsibility comes with that role

Does Your City Consume You?

The city can be consuming professionally and socially, sometimes interchangeably. Socially, its lights, sounds and tastes can tempt you like a peer pressuring friend in high school; professionally, it is like a demanding boss who makes you want to work as hard as you can to keep up with the groundbreakers among us. Are you victim to the consuming city?

How to Handle FOMO

Countless young professionals struggle with an epidemic (and buzzword) now widely known as FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out. The unfortunate reality is that we can’t always do everything that we want or be in more than one place at the same time. Here are ways to deal with FOMO