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Crafty Ramen’s DIY kits bring home the Ramen Shop

There were only two things I missed during the height of the pandemic lockdowns: going to the movie theatre and going out for ramen. For movies, I made do with the biggest TV I could find, but ramen remained an elusive experience. Take-out ramen is just not the same; the

The Rules of Slurping: A Guide to Ramen at Goro and Gun

If you have seen Pretty Woman you’ll recall that hilarious scene where Julian Roberts is struggling to appear proper but for the life of her can’t recall which fork to use with which course. Who can’t relate to that moment? Here is a solution

Now Open: Saka Ba Warms The Plateau With Ramen

Feeling the need for top-notch ramen to invade Montreal, Chef Junichi Ikematsu, better known as Juni, Owner of the Laurier St. restaurant that bears his name, opened Saka-Ba in the Plateau. We couldn’t think of anything better for these chilly days

Now Open: Kinton Ramen

With new Japanese restaurants opening seemingly on a monthly basis in Toronto, it’s getting a bit harder to separate the gems from the average. Kinton Ramen on Baldwin street is definitely a must-try, recently opened by the owners of beloved Guu