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Des cigarettes au café: voici ce que coûtent vos vices

Des vices, la plupart d’entre nous en avons, qu’ils soient aussi innocents comme celui d’avoir la dent sucrée ou aussi malsains que ceux de la cigarette et de l’alcool. Mais mis à part les risques évidents pour la santé, les vices peuvent aussi être franchement dispendieux, d’autant plus que vous pouvez certainement vivre sans eux

From Cigarettes to Coffee: This is What Your Favourite Vice Costs You

Vices. Most of us have them, whether it’s as innocent as a perpetual sweet tooth or as unhealthy as a cigarette and alcohol habit. But aside from the obvious health risks, your vices can also be pretty damn expensive, especially since you can live without most of them

How Much Your Smartphone Really Costs

The smartphone industry has seen lots of change in the last seven years. And now, in the latest shift, it would appear Apple has lost its advantage over Android devices – especially Samsung. We know what it cost to launch and market The Bold. What follows is a breakdown of what Apple, Samsung, and Sony pay for their devices