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Strength Coach Cassie Day Plans To Live Her Best And Greenest Life In 2019

A brand new year brings a blank slate to better yourself – and the planet. Strength Coach, Nutritionist, and Founder of All-Day-Fit Cassie Day knows all about self-improvement as she constantly challenges herself, her team and her clients to set and reach new goals. What better goal for the new

6 Black Friday Shopping Tips From Fashion Blogger Hugo Filipe

The streets will soon be dusted with snow, holiday tunes stream through both Spotify and the air, and of course – visa cards across this great nation will tap-tap-tap on credit consoles everywhere. It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Black Friday of course. While Thanksgiving is a

9 Ways to Live a Greener Life in Calgary in 2015

To help you up your green game in 2015, we’ve talked to local experts to find out what we can do to be better cheerleaders for the planet this year. Smart Cars and blue bins are great, but here are a few more common sense tips that you should be implementing into your everyday life