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Doughnut Ice Creams Cones Just Came to Toronto (Yes, Donut Ice Cream Cones)

Two words: Doughnut. Cones. Now repeat them until you start eating them. Not the words, the actual thing. ‘Cause donut ice cream cones have arrived in Toronto and they are your new favourite meal dessert. (Cronuts are sooo 2013.) The official name can be translated as Chimney Cakes. And for the uninitiated (and we urge

Ben & Jerry’s Introduces Dairy-Free Ice Cream For the First Time

Prayers of the lactose intolerant and vegans have been answered. Come mid-February(ish), Ben & Jerry’s will offer ice cream that’s free of dairy – and it’s just as creamy and delicious as the real deal. The ice cream is made with an almond milk base and includes some of the beloved brand’s