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Notable Vegetarian Restaurants in Montreal

Whether you’re a hardcore vegan, abstain from meat or simply enjoy a Meatless Monday every now and then, these three vegetarian restaurants will have you thinking green and coming back for more

Lunch Solutions for Maximum Energy

Busy schedules often prevent young professionals from eating nutritious lunches, which are often replaced with on-the-go items that actually have a negative effect on our energy. We sat down with nutrition professional Ainsley McSorley to find out what exactly we should be packing in our brown paper bags

Fuelling Fitness in Calgary

We all have busy schedules, but unhealthy eating should not be a side effect of that. Here are Calgary’s most notable spots to get refuelled for those days where having a lot of energy is crucial

Healthy Resto Options in Montreal

One of the few drawbacks of going out to eat on a regular basis is that it often leads to less-than-healthy choices when it comes to choosing a main course. After all ,why order a salad when you could be ordering a chef-prepared dish that can’t easily be made at home? Try one of the following spots for something both delicious and health conscious