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Marni Wasserman: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur is culinary nutritionist and health strategist Marni Wasserman, who also owns Toronto’s first plant-based food studio and lifestyle shop. What was the inspiration behind her career route? Find out in today’s profile

Can’t Commit to Going Full Vegetarian? Try Flexy

If only there was a way to consume a more plant-based diet and reap all those herbivorous benefits without having to give up our meaty faves for good. Well, ta da, there is. Say hello to the healthy diet that really lets you to have it all: Flexitarianism

Super Foods For The New Year

Instead of holding yourself to unrealistically high expectations this year, why not try incorporating a few super foods into your diet that can help you live healthier without giving up all your favourite foods and drinks?

I Just Pigged Out. Now What?

Just look at you, you otherwise well-balanced young professional (YP) who keeps fit and eats clean, sitting there with Cheetoh-orange fingers, gut rot, and guilt. That’s right, you succumbed to temptation and impulse and pigged out like nobody’s business

Notable Young Professional Trend: Meatless Mondays

We young professionals are always on the lookout for new ways to improve our health, along with the health of the world around us. So it should come as no surprise then that the Meatless Monday movement has shown up on our notable YP trend radar