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New Research Shows Smoking Hookahs is WAY WORSE for You Than Cigarettes

Millennials have to make a tough decision between two conflicting lifestyle trends: healthy living and capturing time-lapses of hookah smoke billowing Rihanna-style from their mouth. We strongly suggest you choose the former. First of all, hookahs aren’t cool. Remember how lame you looked posing with a 26er of Smirnoff at the club when you were

7 Ways to Stay Happy Over the Holidays

This post is brought to you by Atlas Communications. Whatever the season, whichever the holiday, there will always be those around you who just seem so, well, happy. And why shouldn’t they be? From Valentine’s Day to New Year’s Eve, most holidays include gifts, time off work, and food. Lots of

It’s World AIDS Day, and Here’s Why You Should Definitely Care

Sometime in the past decade or so, it seems the fear that was instilled in many of us growing up about the then deadly HIV/AIDS virus had slowly receded. The widespread awareness campaigns had taken over billboards and TV commercials had slowed, giving many of us the impression that the

Study: Drink Coffee if You Want to Live Longer

Coffee, the 107th most hashtagged word in Instagram, is more than just social media fuel. According to a new study published by Harvard University’s school of public health, drinking coffee is correlated with a 15 percent lower risk of dying prematurely from diabetes, heart disease, suicide or Parkinson’s. Keep this in mind the next