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The Dirty Truth: Why You Should Clean Your Cell Phone Regularly

Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you touch your phone throughout the day? Between texting, talking on the phone, Snapchatting, Instagramming and Tindering, our phones spend an increasingly large portion of the day in one very extremely dirty place: your hand. Because as we use our phones frequently,

Why I’m Trying Meditation Every Day for a Month

Eric Wainwright is’s Editor-in-Chief I’m like you. I’m busy. I’m distracted. I have fears and anxieties. I have ambitions and expectations. I wake up to emails. I go to bed with emails. Too often it feels like I have more notifications than original thoughts. I check my inbox at

This New Website is a Must Use for Anyone Moving to a Major City

You probably know someone who justifies every opinion of a city by saying something along the lines of “I would know, I live there.” Well, despite uncle Doug having lived in Toronto since the last time the Leafs won a Cup, it’s very unlikely he knows anything everything about the city’s

Ontario Has the Worst Paid Sick Leave in the World

With just under 200 countries in the world, any nation that falls outside the top 145 on a categorical list that ranks them from ‘excellent’ to ‘needs improvement’ should really take that latter recommendation literally. Like Ontario, which, if it were a country (its population of 13.6 million isn’t exactly

Say No to Cheat Day: Study Shows Lazy Weekends Can Boost Body Fat

When the workweeks are so hectic and warm weather is still months away, we all know what weekends are for: sleeping in, binge-watching, and cheat days. But a new study suggests that taking it “easy like Sunday morning” on the weekends may be worse for your weight than working at