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You May Be Getting Your Post-Workout Soak All Wrong

Apparently, we may have been getting our post-workout game all wrong. For as long as any of us have been working out or involved in hard-core physical activity, the common approach to the recovery process was the post-workout ice bath. But – in news that especially applies to those who brave

8 Signs You Need to Step Away From Your Fitbit Relationship

Every step you take, every move you make, every bread you break, Fitbit is watching you. When did things get this crazy? Like any healthy relationship, it began with long walks on the beach, setting goals, and celebrating milestones. But before long you were connected body, mind, and sole. Life

New Study Finds That Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Might Just Be a Myth

As winter continues to trudge by the gloomy days become far too common; making it very difficult to like this weather. In fact, for years this crummy weather and lack of sunshine have often been held accountable for making people feel really bummed out. This is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder that

New Research Shows Smoking Hookahs is WAY WORSE for You Than Cigarettes

Millennials have to make a tough decision between two conflicting lifestyle trends: healthy living and capturing time-lapses of hookah smoke billowing Rihanna-style from their mouth. We strongly suggest you choose the former. First of all, hookahs aren’t cool. Remember how lame you looked posing with a 26er of Smirnoff at the club when you were

7 Ways to Stay Happy Over the Holidays

This post is brought to you by Atlas Communications. Whatever the season, whichever the holiday, there will always be those around you who just seem so, well, happy. And why shouldn’t they be? From Valentine’s Day to New Year’s Eve, most holidays include gifts, time off work, and food. Lots of