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The ‘Disneyland of Wine’ Just Opened in France

Pack your bags — we’re going to France. All of our wildest dreams have officially come true, as a wine-themed amusement park now exists. La Cité du Vin, or the City of Wine, is set to open later this month in Bordeaux, one of France’s most famous wine-making regions. Although the 10-storey

Lonely Planet Lists the 10 Best Places to Visit in Europe in 2016

Summer is here, the patios are open and our Canada Goose jackets have finally been pushed into the back of the closet for the season. But, if you’re still hoping for a vacation before summer officially hits its high point, we’ve got a few Canadian options that will blow you away.

A Scavenger Hunt for a Free Trip to Europe is Coming to Montreal Next Weekend

Attention, Montrealers: Icelandair wants to send you to Europe for free this summer to celebrate the airline’s launch in Montreal. Starting Friday, May 13th, Icelandair representatives will hitting the streets of Montreal to promote #MontrealAboard and give away sets of round-trip tickets for two to any one of Icelandair’s 20

This Inspiring Instagrammer Travels The World One Snack at a Time

What’s even better than travelling the world? Eating it, that’s what. We may not eat a whole lot of street food in Toronto (apart from bolting down a hot dog outside the Roger’s Centre to avoid those sky-high prices inside the stadium). But when we’re travelling, especially in Asia, it’s

Canadians May Soon Be Required to Apply for a Visa to Travel to Europe

Canada’s passport could take a pretty significant dive in next year’s annual ranking of the world’s most powerful. Several outlets are reporting that Canadians and Americans travelling to Europe may soon be required to apply for visas before departure. The stand-off stems from the fact that Canada and the United States