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It’s Going to Get a Little More Expensive to Travel to Europe in 2021

Canadians are privy to one of the most powerful passports in the world. That means Canadian passport holders can travel visa-free to pretty much any country in the world, with a few exceptions. And while that will continue to be technically true, Canadians travelling to Europe will soon need to

7 Unbelievable Travel Destinations You Need To Visit Before You Turn 35

Everyone dreams of travelling the world. Exploring the nooks and crannies of this great, big planet; through vast oceans, glorious mountains, eclectic cities and small towns. But with all the locations on this big blue Earth of ours, it can be difficult to figure out where to go and when.

Solo Travel Hack: Why You Should Stay With A Host Family

When I first travelled to Europe, I had the romantic notion of cramming as many destinations into one month as possible via hostel living and travelling by rail. It was the trip of a lifetime, jam packed with cultural highlights, mishaps and adventure. Fast forward ten years and things have

Amazing Job Opportunity: Two Travel Addicts Wanted — Apply Now

This might be the coolest job opportunity of the summer for a social media producer who is passionate about travel. Get this: United Kingdom-based travel company Busabout is seeking two dynamic travellers to join their team of brand ambassadors to document 5 incredible months of travel through Europe and the

The 6 Best Places to Stay in Europe if You Love Wine

Home to Bordeaux, Tuscany, Champagne and Porto, Europe is without a doubt the world’s mecca for all things wine. The continent’s long history with the grape is evident by its breathtaking wineries, colourful landscapes and rows upon rows of ripening vineyards. The endless selection of world-renowned wine regions provides winos