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Take It to the Next Level with These 6 Creative Proposal Ideas

Everyone wants their proposal to be epic, right? So, without further ado, here are six creative proposal ideas to help you out! The Public Event Taking your love public is a great way to shout it from the rooftops. Now, there are a lot of options you can choose from

9 Crucial Things Every Couple Should Discuss Before Marriage

You’ve found that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Congratulations, that’s amazing! However, as you might’ve guessed, marriage is a lot different than dating. Before you walk down that aisle, make sure you have answered these questions. 1. Children Does your partner want kids? Do you?

Taylor Swift Crashed This Couple’s Wedding and it Was as Happy as You’d Expect

It’s not every day that you get to meet Grammy Award-winning artist and country-music-turned-pop-star Taylor Swift. And for New Jersey couple Max Singer and Kenya Smith, their encounter with the Billboard babe was already a pretty special occasion. TSwift crashed the bride and groom’s big day over the weekend, surprising

This Harry Potter Themed Wedding Was Absolutely Magical

Wedding season may be a once annual kind of a deal – but Harry Potter fandom is forever. Or so it was with this wizard-obsessed couple, whose Harry Potter themed wedding put every other super fan to shame. Sure, you’ve read the books and watched the films – maybe you’ve

13 Canadian Power Couples Who Are Absolutely Killing It

It’s one thing to be a notable, intriguing, and influential person. But it takes things to a whole new level if you’re also married to one – and Canada has no shortage of headline-making power couples. Here are 13 of our favourites. [ad_bb1] 1. Justin and Sophie Trudeau Not only