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Three Canadian Cities Ranked Among the Smartest in the World

Damn it, Canada. You’re a smart bunch of individuals. Go ahead. You can admit it. No one will judge you for saying so. Because actually, it’s pretty much a proven fact. The Intelligent Community Forum named the top seven intelligent communities for 2016. And with an IQ popping three Canadian

19 Movies You Probably Didn’t Know Were Shot in Vancouver

The term ‘Hollywood of the North’ may often be applied to Toronto, but when it comes to shooting blockbusters, Vancouver isn’t shy about hosting the A-listers of the movie world. Thanks to its stunning scenery and cityscape, Vancouver has made more than a few appearances in some of our favourite

Coding Will Be Added to B.C.’s School Curriculum Over the Next Three Years

Recognizing that technology is indeed the future, British Columbia is set to introduce computer coding in its school curriculum from kindergarten through to grade 12. Premier Christy Clark announced the initiative during a two-day summit on technology in Vancouver to address a chronic skills shortage in one of Canada’s most robust industries.

Two B.C. Hot Spots Named Among Top 100 Hotels & Resorts in the World

Last week, Conde Nast Traveler published its annual list of places that make you want to book a flight, cut all ties with work, and never return. We’re talking, of course, about the Top 100 Hotels & Resorts in the World. The list is determined by feedback from Conde Nast readers