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#NotableYoungPros: Pressed News Founder Jacqueline Leung

Jacqueline Leung leads by the mantra: if you want something done a certain way, you should do it yourself.

As someone who did not grow up watching the news, Jacqueline realized the importance of staying up to date and wants to help young Millennial professionals such as herself stay informed without having to break through the media jargon to get to the real facts.

Leung started Pressed News as a way of keeping Millennials informed on the news in an easy to understand format.

We sat down with Jacqueline to find out what inspired her to start her own business.

The best piece of advice that I have received is…

If it doesn’t scare you, it’s probably not worth doing.

My favourite Instagram account to follow right now is…


The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is…

Make sure that no big news stories happened overnight that our readers need to know about.

I couldn’t do what I do without…

My team.

What is Pressed News?

Pressed News is a digital media company that makes the news easy to understand.   

How did you get started with Pressed News?

I started Press because it’s something I need. Growing up, I never used to follow the news, and I realized that it was beginning to leave me out of conversations. I’ve always been a great reader, and I have a media background, so I felt like that was a great reason to bring something like Press to Canada.     

What type of Notable are you? Are you a creator, an entrepreneur, or a professional?

I’d say that I’m a creator and entrepreneur.

Why do you love your job? What sort of cool things do you get to do?

I love my job because I feel like we are changing the world a little bit every day. I love that our readers are so engaged and that we can communicate and talk with them every day. I love that we are breaking the news to some people who otherwise would not follow the news. Of course, working on my own schedule is great too.   

What do you want to be known for?

I want to be known for creating conversations that may not otherwise be happening. Giving people the tools to have difficult conversations.

What does ambition mean to you?

I think it means being your best, knowing who you are, and not being afraid to go for it.

Looking back, are there moments that clearly stand out in your life as defining moments that have led you to this point?

I have two moments: right out of school, I wanted to be Britney Spears. I wanted to be a singer and dancer. I spent a year getting rejections at a lot of auditions. That helped me build a thick skin and become a fighter. Being an entrepreneur, you need that. The second is, in my career, I have always asked questions regarding why things are done a certain way and why we can’t do things a certain way. Being in a job where I can’t be my best or execute a cool idea that I have made me realize that maybe I should start something on my own.

What would you consider your biggest accomplishment to date?

Definitely Press News and launching it two years ago. I don’t think that I could have ever imagined that we would be here today. Specifically, with the company, I’m really proud of the team that we’ve built and how we stick together and continue believing in each other, even when things are really hard.   

What’s the worst mistake you’ve ever made?

I feel like, being an entrepreneur, it’s all about throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. I guess whatever doesn’t stick are the mistakes, but I don’t know if I would call them mistakes.

What is a moment where you knew that Press News had made it?

TBD, but there was a moment when we got our first email subscriber that wasn’t a family member or friend, I was like, “this is it!”

What are some pivotal mentorship moments for you?

I have been fortunate. I have had really great bosses and managers in my career. The last one I had, I remember telling her that I wanted to maybe quit my job and start my own business. I sat in a meeting and I said to her, “ You know what, actually, I’m not going to do it. I’m just going to stay. I want to buy a house. I need stability.” I remember her saying to me, “Well then why do you look upset? Why does it look like you’re going to start crying?” Her recognizing me as a person, and not just an employee. That was the moment that I thought, she’s right. I don’t feel what I’m actually saying.

Have there been key steps in your professional development that have led you here today?     

It started with those hundreds of auditions that I did that helped me become stronger. My first actual job was at an ad agency where I got my butt kicked with the crazy long hours. That helped me become a really great worker. Working in media with SportsNet and Vice has helped me in my career as well.

What parts of your personality, skills, or approach have helped your career?

I’m a curious person. I ask why a lot. I ask why is this being done a certain way, why isn’t is done a certain way. I think that has made me stand out.

What are your Notable Life goals?

Right now, my Notable Life goal is to make Press a household name for Millennials who don’t regularly follow the news. That is our big goal right now. We also want to launch it across Canada.

What’s the next challenge or project you’re tackling?

Right now we are working on making our weekly podcast a daily podcast. For people who love listening to our podcast on Mondays, and have been asking us about it, look out for that soon. 

What is something we don’t know about you?

I’m really afraid of small things grouped together! I can’t eat couscous or blueberries.

Where can we learn more about you and connect with you?

You can find us at and on social media @Pressed_News.  

Emily Rumball

Emily is a freelance writer, blogger, tea addict, and animal lover based out of Vancouver, BC. You can follow her at and @callherem.