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Canadian Politics 101: The Parties

This article was sourced through an original cheat sheet written by Pressed News – to read the full guide click here. In a previous article, we went back to elementary school to establish a generalized explanation of how the Canadian government is structured.  Now, we – with the help of Pressed News – 

Federal Election Cheat Sheet: Who’s Running?

This article was sourced through an original cheat sheet written by Pressed News – to read the full guide click here. In this series, we have covered how, what, and when. Now, it is time to cover debatably the most important segment, WHO.  For more in-depth descriptions of the candidates and their backgrounds,

Canadian Politics 101: How It’s All Structured

This article was sourced through an original cheat sheet written by Pressed News – to read the full guide click here. Ah, politics. The thing that most of us pretend to be knowledgeable of but quake at any sign of real questions.  With Thanksgiving weekend coming to a close, a majority of Canadians

Federal Election Cheat Sheet: What Are the Issues?

This article was sourced through an original cheat sheet written by Pressed News – to read the full guide click here. Notable Life with the help of Pressed News is here to help you decipher the complex issues at the forefront of this election and where each party stands on them. For a

Residents in Victoria and Vancouver have Highest Credit Scores in Canada

As we Millennials take over the workforce and continue to strive forward into adulthood, many indicators mark our evolution into certified ‘grownups.’  No, it is not being able to drink wine, watching Friends on Netflix, and eating ice cream for dinner whenever you want. It is something far more alluring