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You Need This Awesome Portable Couch in Your Life This Summer

Today is hump-day and that might mean you’re feeling a little, shall we say, lamzac?


For the non-Dutch among us, that translates to a “lazy person, or a lazy inactive bag.”

Which just so happens to be the inspiration behind an amazing new sofa from the Netherlands that’s bringing lounging to another level.

The comfy couch has taken the world by storm, selling out completely after launching their video (amazingly entitled ‘Great for chilling in the park’) on Facebook back in September. The post has since received 12 million views and 255k shares.

So what state-of-the-art, cutting-edge technology went into making the Lamzac Hangout?

Well…air. Yup. Pretty much just air.

Simply unroll the bag, wave it around and watch it fill up with air. Roll up the open end and clip it shut.

The couch fits into a little pouch and weighs a measly two pounds. But when it’s inflated in all its glory, it’s just over six and a half feet long and almost three feet wide.

The result is a neat little transportable package that extends to provide you with the ultimate way to chill.

Demand far surpassing supply has meant that the company immediately sold out and they are now working on a new release date. The Lamzac is currently out of stock and the only way to get your hands on one is to sign up to their newsletter for updates.

We suggest you sign up now if you want to be in the running to grab one of these lounge lovelies in time for festival, camping, and picnic-in-the-park season.

But the Lamzac site says, “be prepared to get loads of attention when using this product in public!”

You’ve been warned. Even if you’re too lazy to heed it.


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