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What Fears Are Stopping You From Owning Your “Dream Ride” & How to Overcome Them

So you live in the city, you’ve purchased a car, it’s loaded with all the latest features, and you’re ready to hit the road in style. ?

What with all the other important financial decisions you’ve had to make in order to get here, the affordability of car insurance is something that you’re thinking about, in addition to the cost of gas and parking. 

Liability car insurance is required, by law, for all drivers and protects others from damages you cause while driving a vehicle. This covers a variety of losses, which could include property damage, bodily injury and death. We get it, you’re trying to keep costs low, and don’t want to waste your time being given the run around by different vendors. 

In a recent voting poll we shared on our Instagram Stories, a whopping 73% of you factor auto insurance into your monthly budget, so we know that getting a good deal is important to you.  BUT before you sign the dotted line, we want to challenge your thought process: the lowest price, isn’t always the most important thing. What does that price get you in the event of an accident? What is your deductible? Can you bundle your car insurance with your home insurance or other vehicles you finance, own or lease? 

In that same poll, we found out that 55% of those who own a vehicle in the city shop around before they make a decision on their car insurance policy, and 74% of those who own a vehicle know what they’re covered for. This is good news! But why not simplify the process by leaning on experts to do the heavy lifting for you.

Surex has all the answers to the questions you didn’t even know you had. The truth is that unexpected things can happen to your car. Comprehensive car insurance provides peace of mind for those moments. Things such as hitting an animal, fire, theft, vandalism, flood, are covered under this policy.

It’s also typical that when you purchase car insurance, you go with your bank, a co-op or agent, or your home insurance provider. Surex is an expert in providing multiple personalized offers to you, from over 10 of Canada’s Top Insurance Companies, so you can review all the quotes in one view all online!. Every client deserves personal service, and their advisors know that providing cheap, discount rates leads to long-term clients. From your quote to inquiries about your policy to processing claims, you will deal with the same licensed insurance advisor every time, no need to retell your story every time you need something.

Surex has you covered and is here to answer all your pressing questions. Get your personalized offer today.

Danai Mushayandebvu

Danai is usually scrolling through Instagram in search of new restaurants, things to do and places to be. While she has no formal dance training whatsoever, she hopes to be part of a professional hip-hop troupe someday. You can follow her escapades @dnizzler