Flying high will have a whole new meaning starting October 17 on domestic flights across Canada.
“Passengers will be permitted to have a legal amount of cannabis, which is 30 grams, in either their carry on or checked bag if they are flying to a domestic destination within Canada,” confirms Marie-Anyk Côté, Senior Advisor of Media Relations with Transport Canada.
“It remains illegal to transport cannabis across Canada’s international borders by any means including trans-border flights.” This also applies to medicinal cannabis. If you are caught with weed in your possession traveling across international borders, you could face criminal penalties.
Signs will be posted in airports, ferry and cruise terminals, railway stations and any other exit points reminding travelers of these restrictions. “With respect to land crossings, Transport Canada is working with provinces and territories to install road signs near the border,” adds Côté.
As of last month, it’s now legal for passengers at Los Angeles International Airport to bring small amounts of weed on board flights.
In a statement posted on the LAX website, the airport advises “California’s passage of proposition 64 allows for individuals 21 years of age or older to possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana.” The statement confirms LAX Airport Police are allowing passengers in possession of these amounts of weed to travel through.
However, officials warn travelers wishing to take advantage of the new rules must first become familiar with them. “Passengers should be aware that marijuana laws vary state by state.”
Maria Ganogiannis with the Greater Toronto Airport Authority explains, “The legalization of cannabis in Canada on October 17 will not change Canada’s border rules.” Bringing weed across the border into Canada, or traveling with it to international destinations can result in serious criminal penalties. Ganogiannis adds that possession of marijuana may be legal in some US states, but not all. “It remains illegal under U.S. federal laws in any form and quantity, making it illegal to bring across the Canada-U.S. border.”
Brock Penner, Manager of Corporate Communications with the Vancouver Airport Authority says plans for cross-country travel within Canada will soon be revealed. “We are working through final details and preparations for cannabis legalization and we are planning to share a comprehensive update… ahead of legalization on October 17th.”