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UberPool And Facebook Collaborate On Creepy New Co-Marketing Campaign

The only worse Uber experience than a driver who doesn’t know their way around the city is an awkward-silence UberPool ride.

Uber is attempting to shake up the UberPool experience by sending you push notifications about what interests you and your fellow passengers have in common. Uber will use Facebook to filter common interests into their algorithm of user data and serve it back to you when a rider shares your preference for cheeseburgers.

Here’s how it will work: when you request a ride from Uber, the app will share your profile picture, most recent status update and a common connection with your fellow carpoolers.

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UberPool will then suggest you to connect with your friendly passengers on Facebook.

Suggesting we “friend” somebody on Facebook on the merit that we shared a common car with feels a little aggressive, Uber and Facebook. We realize the value of data and that your two organizations are investing in a huge data swap but, can we live?

Uber is also proposing a service where you can proactively request a ride with people who share your interests so, for example, you can travel happy in a carful of cheeseburger enthusiasts.

The good news is that Uber has only filed this patent and hasn’t been granted yet so, we can keep on being autonomous humans for a little while longer.

Read more about Uber here:

This is Why Uber Won’t Let you Tip Your Driver Any Time Soon
Uber Needs to be Careful with this Surcharge Nonsense
‘Uber Killer’ Launches in Select Cities 

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