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The Hipster Beard Trend Among Young Professionals: Yay or Nay?

They started out exclusive to the streets of Brooklyn, then in no time were infiltrating every indie music show and eco-friendly coffee shop North America-wide. Today, they grace our boardrooms, happy hours, and, soon enough, the golf course. We’re talking oversized, ultra coiffed, uber trendy hipster beards

They started out exclusive to the streets of Brooklyn, then in no time were infiltrating every indie music show and eco-friendly coffee shop North America-wide. Today, they grace our boardrooms, happy hours, and, soon enough, the golf course. We’re talking oversized, ultra coiffed, uber trendy hipster beards, and with more and more young professional (YP) guys sporting the unique look (we’re not even going to get into the whole beard transplant thing), we couldn’t help but wonder what the collective opinion is on hipster beards specifically within the YP realm. We took to social media to ask YP ladies what they think of the big bearded look. We also chatted with two notably bearded YP gentlemen, each from differing working worlds, to find out where their bristly inspiration sprouted from and to get their thoughts on the growing trend. 

From the Guys
Tyler, a welder and long-time beard man, says he likes the image his impressive chin adornment creates. “Stern but fair,” he says, as well as “the respect it commands from people.” But when it comes to talking trend, the brawny YP says that’s not what it’s about for him. “I do admire that style,” he says, “but can’t say I’m a part of it. I’m a working man, hard as steel; welders can’t be hipsters.”

Jason, on the other hand, a digital media strategist and more of a newbie to the beard scene, says his bold bearded look grew out of suggestion from his hairstylist. He also says “it’s more about the way I look with the beard than having it because it’s a trend.” The Toronto YP, who keeps up his look with regular trimmings, Viva Oil twice a day and Layrite grooming products to style, says he plans to keep the beard for a while, regardless of how the trend might change. 

Though neither identifies with the hipster trend per se, both Tyler and Jason can agree that when it comes to the dating scene, ladies love a furry face. “Yup, one hundred percent,” says Tyler. “Ladies who like beards, really like beards.”

“They always ask to touch it,” adds Jason.

From the Gals
Speaking of the ladies, in order to gain a balanced perspective regarding male facial hair, we of course had to reach out to those with the strongest opinion: YP women. We asked women from across the country and of varying industries what they thought of the hipster beard look within the YP world. This is what they had to say:  

“I like a beard on a man, but a nice clean beard. Hipster beards have gotten out of control and I can’t imagine kissing a man with an out of control mess on his face.”
– Cathy, model booker

“Facial hair is a part of personal expression, and if it doesn’t affect your work (i.e. having to wear protective equipment) then why not? Why is clean-shaven the norm?”
– Sara, nurse practitioner

“I’m an in between clean shaven and a beard kind of gal. The problem is that many professional companies don’t allow scruff, so it has to be one or the other. My husband will typically take a break from shaving on vacations or long weekends, and that’s the look I love most.”
– Krissy, flight attendant

“I was into it in the fall and winter, but the more guys I see with beards now, the more they annoy me. Maybe it should be more of a seasonal trend, and with summer around the corner the beards should be left behind with winter.”
– Shauna, student/job seeker

“I think they’re pretty cool. They’ve really become somewhat of an accessory for men. I’m not totally sure that a young professional working in a law firm or hospital, for example, may be able to sport it, but I do think it can be pulled off in a professional way.”
– Mia, pharmaceutical professional

“I don’t mind seeing it out and about, but I prefer scruff vs. the full beard; I like to see the face underneath. The variety of people’s cheekbone structures is more appealing than the uniform appearance of a full beard.”
– Natalie, paralegal

“An overgrown beard on a guy used to be a sign of cool confidence, a guy who can look good without having to try that hard to maintain the perfect facial hair scruff. Today’s version of an overgrown beard, a.k.a hipster beard, is a fashion statement, and my version of ‘trying too hard’ in the professional world, depending on the industry”.
– Erica, real-estate sales coordinator

“I am a big believer in self expression and personal style in your professional as well as personal life. The beard movement, I see no problem with it at work, but like all trends just make sure to monitor its growth… literally. When you can braid it, it may no longer be professional.”
– Cheryl, senior brand manager

 “I think a beard, when nicely groomed and presented in a polished manner, is always good. An overgrown beard worn by a person with an unkempt appearance will come across as unprofessional and perhaps sloppy. It’s all about the person who wears it, and how confident and well dressed they are to begin with.”
– Bri, fashion designer.

“If we’re talking about an unkempt shaggy look, then no, I do not think that any young professional should be sporting a ‘hipster’ beard. Unless they work within the fashion, art, or entertainment industries.  I feel as though it’s equivalent to asking if you think wearing a crop top and ripped jeans to work is professional.”
– Ryveann, event coordinator

“It’s fun to see them on men, and if they’re well-coiffed and well-dressed then it’s completely passable. I personally would not want my own husband to sport a beard, though; that’s a lot of face fur to deal with.”
– Jamie, online marketing consultant 

It seems that cleanliness and professionalism take precedence over a “yay or nay” regarding male facial hair. Regardless of trend, self-expression via outward appearance is a personal choice, and as long as one is confident and kempt, we say grow for it

#LYNL | (Live Your Notable Life)


Cover image: Bill Murray from Steve Zissou

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