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The Classic ‘Your Brain On Drugs’ PSA is Remade to Target Adults

Any 80s kid will remember that famous anti-drug PSA from back in the day.

You know, the one with the man holding up a frying pan with a sizzling egg as he says, “This is your brain on drugs.” There was also that remake with a grungy looking Rachel Leigh Cook in the 1990s.

Now, decades later, the classic commercial is getting another remake.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, formerly the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, is bringing back the advertisement.

The last line of the original ad – “Any questions?” – is the beginning of the new PSA.

This is followed by children asking a series of questions about prescription drugs, recreational drugs, and their parents’ drug histories. The spot ends with a voiceover directing parents to the partnership’s website so that they’ll be prepared with answers.

The interesting thing about the commercial is that it targets the same group of people as the previous one.

Unlike the original ad, which was directed at youth, the latest PSA targets adults.

Representatives from Partnership for Drug-Free Kids say that kids learn about drugs from a variety of sources and that parents should be prepared to properly answer the inevitable questions that will arise.

They especially need to be prepared for this one: “Mom, Dad, did you ever try drugs?” – an emphasis of the ad.

The new TV and radio ads were created by Campbell Ewald, an advertising agency, and the print ad and online banner ads were created by BGF Communications.

The ad had been distributed to hundreds of TV stations throughout the U.S.

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