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The 6 Worst Thoughts to Have on a Monday

It's time to shake it off and prepare yourself for the big workweek ahead (and, in order to keep up with the ever-competitive game, every week should be seen as a big workweek in our books). Here are the six worst thoughts to have on a Monday – are you guilty?

Between the Raptors playoffs, the semi-decent weather and emergence from winter hibernation of most of your friends, the weekends are getting better and better and will only continue to do so once the summer arrives. Even so, it is time to shake it off and prepare yourself for the big workweek ahead (and, in order to keep up with the ever-competitive game, every week should be seen as a big workweek in our books). Here are the six worst thoughts to have on a Monday – are you guilty?

What an epic Sunday Funday
Very few things compare to a good old Sunday Funday filled with brunch, Caesars, shopping, playing, and exploring your city with friends and lovers. Don’t spend your Monday daydreaming about that romantic walk through the city or recounting the numerous new inside jokes made from a day in the park with friends. All good things will come to an end and there will be another Sunday Funday. Get to work.

I hope today is an easy one
Why? Though we don’t advocate praying for the most stressful, chaotic day from hell on the morning commute, start Mondays off with a mentality of excitement about your job and the week ahead (after all, many people would kill for your position). A productive, challenging Monday will set the stage for the rest of the week and allow you to forecast problems and plan for potential issues before they happen. Plus, an easy day will make it even more difficult to shake the weekend off.

What should I wear to the party next weekend?
Don’t focus on the following weekend, no matter how dismal the prospect of being held hostage at your desk for the next five days by deadlines, paperwork and hundreds of emails seems. The weekend (and the party) will come quicker if you have your head down and focus on the work at hand.

Man, this hangover will last all week
By this point in our young professional lives, we should not treat the entire weekend (from Thirsty Thursday on) as a perpetual booze-filled party. You are only going to set the bar for the rest of the week if you stumble into work groggy and exhausted from a weekend of binge partying, from which your cobweb-filled brain may not recover until it is time to do it all again.

I really hope coworker x doesn’t blab on about her weekend
Sure, some co-workers can be annoying and distracting at the best of times, especially on a Monday morning when you are already a tad bitter and your brain is going to explode with all the tasks you have lined up for the week. Though you could care less about their weekend, there is no point in starting the week off with the negative energy of a mean internal dialogue of shut the f#ck up when a co-worker starts discussing their weekend. 

I wonder how his or her weekend was… I should text and find out
How productive you are on a Monday can make the rest of your week that much easier if you are able to make major headway. Put that personal cell phone away and don’t check it until lunch or even on your afternoon coffee break – it will make it that much easier to snap from weekend to work mode. Plus, you’ve had the thing glued to your hand all weekend.

Ugh, it’s Monday
There are many reasons to be excited right now that it is Monday morning. A new week means that you can set new goals and challenges for yourself, whether it is to bring your lunch to work each day, to run an extra 10 minutes on your nightly run, or to go above and beyond in your company. 

Good luck and #TGIM


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