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Guy Live-Tweets a Woman’s Full In-Flight, In-Seat Yoga Practice

Most of us have seen a lot of weird shit on flights. From messy eaters and shoulder droolers to the unruly, airplanes seem to bring all the good, bad, and ugly of humanity out of the woodwork. One passenger on a recent flight from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas

I Woke Up at 5 a.m. for 5 Days – This is What I Learned

You know what they say: the early bird gets the worm. A 2008 study at the University of North Texas even found that those who rise earlier earned a whole extra point on their SATs. However, I’m usually okay with missing out on the worm and settling for some extra Zs. This

The Notable and lululemon Attic Sweat Series Presents: Zoja Popovic

Join Notable on Monday, September 19 in The Attic – the top floor of the new lululemon concept store designed to embrace art, sweat, and community. 318 Queen Street West. Space is limited so reserve your spot before you miss your sweat and your zen. Zoja Popovic will be leading a one-hour