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Elevate Your Fitness

On any given week, I typically spend an average of 25 (or more) hours in the gym. Between coaching kickboxing classes, training clients and training myself, gyms and studios across the city have, quite literally, become my second home over the past year. The gym is the place I go

Paving the Path to a More “Conscious” Career

In the past, it was often assumed that passion projects always had to take a backseat to the demands of a 9-5, potentially unrewarding, career path. The hobbies or practices we loved most likely wouldn’t translate into a successful (or financially stable) career, and we were expected to accept this.

The Yogi to the Stars Shares His Secrets to Finding Balance

Known around L.A. as “Yogi to the stars”, Yogi Cameron believes Millennials suffer from an overload of toxic stimulation and Ayurveda is the best medicine. Ayurveda may be the best thing you never knew you were missing. The system of knowledge views the balancing of mind, body and spirit as the key

Why This Man’s Post About Women Wearing Yoga Pants at Work is Total Garbage

It’s 2016, which means we’re long past the point where men should have stopped policing what women wear, but alas, here we are. Andrew Martin, a business developer/recruiter/blogger/douchebag has taken it upon himself to educate us poor stupid women of the interwebs about appropriate workwear in a seriously awful LinkedIn post.