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Meet Sonya Singh –  Breakout Author of the Hot New Release: Sari Not Sari

Post breakup, seeking solace and a good laugh in a rom-com is par-for-the-course. So when former entertainment reporter and communications professional, Sonya Singh, couldn’t find anything that represented her South Asian background, she decided she would roll up her sleeves and write her own. Fast foward to April 5, 2022,

#NotableYoungPros: Author Louise Johnson

Professional writing is a tricky business to break into and one that requires individuals to have a thick skin and become accustomed to hearing the word no. It takes a special kind of person to withstand criticism and competitiveness and remain determined and confident in sharing their thoughts and ideas

This is What Bill Gates’ Summer Reading List Looks Like

If there’s ever a time to relax with a quality book, it’s during the lazy, hazy days of summer. So if you – or your book club – are in search of some light summer reads, Bill Gates can help. This year, his summer reading list features literature that’s on the lighter side

Writer’s Block: The War of Art

My writer’s block shall pass. Everyone’s does…eventually. When I think back on this past month and the time that I spent not writing, I find solace in the wise words (and the voluminous sentences) of Charles Bukowski: “Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all”

Five Notable Writing Tips from a Writer

We are always slightly amused by the amount of people who, in conversation, exclaim that they “can’t write.” While there indeed is an art and talent to writing (just as there is to playing an instrument or making a movie), there are ways that anyone can become a better writer – and the first step is opening oneself up to it