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Emirates Airline is hosting recruitment days

Are you tired of scrolling endlessly on job apps? Want a job with good work-life balance? Well, look no further because Emirates is hiring! The Emirates Airlines is hosting Cabin Crew Recruitment days for interested applicants across Canada, whether you’re looking to join the cabin crew, travel or air service

Crafty Ramen’s DIY kits bring home the Ramen Shop

There were only two things I missed during the height of the pandemic lockdowns: going to the movie theatre and going out for ramen. For movies, I made do with the biggest TV I could find, but ramen remained an elusive experience. Take-out ramen is just not the same; the

Share a Stellar Experience with Dad This Fathers Day

Maybe it’s the last two years of a global pandemic, but showing our gratitude for the ones that we love is more important than ever. Now, there is nothing wrong with a traditional “You’re the BEST” card or #1 DAD mug, but if you’re looking to take your fathers day