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11 Ways to Help You Make it Through a Booze Free January

After the holiday hoopla, countless Canadian young professionals will opt to spend the month of January booze-free. To some, of course, this isn’t an easy mission. But it really doesn’t have to be viewed as a bad thing. Here are 11 tips to remember if you’re attempting not to drink for the next 31 days – starting tomorrow of course

This is How You Throw a Celeb-Worthy New Year’s Eve Party

So you’ve been delegated to be the person to have a New Year’s Eve party – perhaps it was even your idea (fueled by a few spiked eggnogs at your friend’s Christmas party.) Now what? There’s enough pressure to have a good time on New Year’s Eve (and admittedly, it’s

16 Ways You Can Exercise While You’re at Work

There’s nothing natural about sitting for eight hours a day (minimum). And while you might feel accomplished in doing so, at the end of a long week of being chained to the desk, you’re going to feel a little sluggish. Unless, of course, you had 16 ways to get your workout on while you’re at work

How to Eat Healthy on Vacation (Without Being a Total Buzzkill)

As we prepare to flee to far-flung tropical destinations and whimsically white getaways this holiday season, we know it’s all too easy to give into eating habits that will widen our waistlines and lower our energy by the time we return. Here are three easy ways to eat healthy on