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Video: This is the Suit Experience Every Modern Groom Deserves

People talk about how busy they are all time. All the big decisions they’re making. And they believe it. And then you decide to get married and you realize you had no idea what busy was. You suddenly find yourself caring deeply about things you didn’t even know existed 10

13 Great Clothing Companies with Canada-Friendly Shipping

Online shopping has changed our lives forever. Being able to purchase literally anything with just a click of a button is comfort at its finest. But this convenience often comes at a steep price due to our country’s location (#wethenorth). Simply put, being an online Canadian shopper can be hella

30 Fashion Staples You Should Own By the Time You’re 30

Many women spent most of their 20s wasting money on items that weren’t meant to last. But once turning 30 is in sight, you start to realize that you work hard for your money, and your pointless spending needs to stop. This way you’ll have more money to spend on items that you’ll cherish forever. These