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Why a Tablet With a Pen Is a Great Device to Help You Be Productive at Home

With the new normal of working from home and social distancing, it can be tricky to strike the right balance between work, personal time and entertainment. Whether you’re running your own independent business, working a 9 to 5 for a corporation, or you’re a freelance artist, the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Vancouver Teen Develops App to Help Detect Alzheimer’s Disease

An eighteen-year-old student from Vancouver, BC has designed a smartphone system that assists in detecting whether or not someone may have Alzheimer’s disease. Kai Leong, a recent graduate of Killarney Secondary School, has developed an app that examines an individual’s gait to detect early onset symptoms of the neurological disorder.

Your Two-Year Smartphone Contract is Murdering Mother Earth

Look, I’m not here to tell you not to buy your annual iPhone. What am I, your bank account? I’m also not your mother. I am, however, a fan of Planet Earth, as well as an advocate of sustained life on this rapidly deteriorating rock. Which is why I feel

Ground-Level Traffic Lights Are Being Installed for Phone Zombies

We’ve all been there: staring down at our phone only to be disrupted from our gaze by bus barrelling past a foot in front of us. If only we’d seen that pedestrian signal. It’s a sad state of affairs, really, but cities are starting to accept that people are no

Turn Your Smartphone Into a Full Laptop With This Handy Invention

We’re going to start with this to avoid wasting anyone’s time: this product is for Android users only. But that’s not to say you shouldn’t keep reading if you’re an Apple fan, which you may not be soon. Still here? Okay, let’s move on. Meet the Superbook, a simple plug-and-play