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TRAILER: Netflix Confirms Seasons 3 and 4 of Narcos

The blow must go on. While you’re probably still digesting Friday’s release of Narcos’ second season, Netflix confirmed today that two more are in the works. Season three will debut sometime next year, the trailer of which you can check out below: SPOILER ALERT! Just kidding. Enjoy the blo– uhh,

John Oliver Offers the Perfect Response to Paris Attacks

In the first 48 hours after the news broke, people around the world struggled to find words in response to Friday night’s appalling attacks in Paris. Others, meanwhile, found the wrong words. And John Oliver, as per usual, found the perfect ones. Oliver opened Sunday’s episode of Last Week Tonight with a moment of premium cable

Aziz Ansari’s Advice Will Make You Cry and Call Your Parents

It’s necessary to mention first and foremost that you should absolutely be watching Aziz Ansari’s ‘Master of None’ on Netflix. As if you needed another reason to spend more time on everyone’s favourite incubator of chill, ‘Master of None’ has emerged as the definitive millennial comedy, one that perfectly captures what