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These are the Average Hourly Wages of Popular Professions in Canada

If you’re in the market for a career, change (or in need of a reality check), it may be most helpful to know how much certain jobs pay per hour, as opposed to their annual salary. You know, just to put things into perspective (especially for the mathematically challenged set

You Probably Paid More Taxes Than Facebook Did in the U.K. Last Year

Did you make $210 million last year? No? Well, Facebook did (in the U.K.). And guess what? They probably also paid less tax than you. This latest example of the world being unfair comes after press reports of Facebook’s 2014 corporate tax bill, which amounts to a paltry $8,600. For

Five Provinces Raised Their Minimum Wages Today

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Newfoundland and Labrador kicked October off on a generous note, as each province increased their minimum wage effective today. If only marginally. Alberta will see the biggest raise as minimum wage increases $1 from $10.20 to $11.20. Saskatchewan ($10.50) and Manitoba ($11) are each adding 30 cents

Get Into One of These Careers if You Want a High Annual Raise

Are you currently unsatisfied with your salary? Well, a 2% pay increase, the national average, probably won’t do much to alleviate your frustration. You know what might? Working in one of these 20 careers, which all offer a significantly higher average salary raise. Jobs site Glassdoor has released a list of 20 jobs