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The Gender Wage Gap Gets Worse for Women at 32 — And It’s Not Ok

Getting older sucks – a fact that is even truer if you are female. Not only can it be seen optically and, ahem, in other ways heading south, according to a new study the wage gap actually increases as we celebrate more and more birthdays. A new study of 165,000 U.S workers

Study: Short Men and Overweight Women Are Paid Less

Aside from the social struggles that can accompany the vertically challenged and overweight, a new study has determined that short men and women with a higher B.M.I. have lower salaries than their “average” counterparts. Using a genetic technique called Mendelian randomization, the results of the study show that genetically determined

Ranking: Canadian Provinces With the Highest (and Lowest) Wages

So, you want to follow the money. Unsurprisingly, the province you live in could play a significant role in determining your salary. In fact, there’s a $333 swing in the weekly salary between Canada’s highest-earning province and the lowest. Let’s start on the low end. According to Statistics Canada, you’ll want to