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All Our Favourite TV Shows China Will Miss Out Thanks to New Censorship Guidelines

China has never been championed for their progressive views, when it comes to TV regulations. But now, the authorities in China are once again clamping down with even stricter rules – this time including censorship when it comes to online television. The new guidelines layout new subjects that will shortly be prohibited. These include

The Revenge Game Goes Cyber

Wow. Just wow. You’d better sit down for this one. You also might want to grab a bag of popcorn or a box of tissues depending on which way these types of things seems to affect you. Haters gonna hate. But now – haters gonna hate in public

How to Get the Best Revenge

Part of growing as an adult and as a professional is learning how to get even in more positive and productive ways. Here are a few notable examples of mature and constructive forms of seeking vengeance