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Notable Poll: What’s Montreal’s Best Spot to Grab a Whisky?

If you know what a single malt is, this poll’s for you. ‘Cause whisky is more popular than ever. Whether you’re a bourbon lover or a scotch sycophant, Montreal has a number of great spots where you can kick back and sip away on this refined spirit. From snazzy joints in the

Montreal’s Best Juice Spot As Voted By You

And the winner is… Jus Pur. It was a really tight race but this Outremont, chef-driven, cold-pressed, organic juice shop took home the juiciest of awards with 23.4% of your thirsty votes. With unique ingredients and creative branding, these guys proved that they squeeze it better than the rest. Café

Notable Poll: What is Montreal’s Best Bridal Salon?

Summer means one thing: weddings. Bridal season is in full swing and women from all all over the city are running around searching for that one perfect creation that will make them “say yes to the dress.” Unlike other major cities, Montreal isn’t necessarily known for a plethora of bridal

UN Poll Shows 90% of the World Agrees Man-Made Climate Change is Real

If you still don’t think that climate change is a ‘thing,’ you’re among a very small fraction of the world. Things like political campaigns, propaganda, denial, and ignorance have some convinced that the whole thing is a made-up phenomenon. Now, it’s not just the scientific facts and evidence of global

Montreal’s Best Barbershop As Voted by You

This was hands down the biggest battle we’ve had in Montreal poll history yet. Clearly we take great pride in our hair and beard game. Kudos Montreal. So after a fierce seven day battle and thousands of votes, the winner is… Scotch & Scissors. With 22.9% of your votes, this