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Notable Now Toronto: October 10, 2014

Notable Now this week in Toronto: Red Bull’s Flying Bach, Zero Film Festival, Dougieball, The Chocolate Ball, Toronto Lifestyle Market, and our must-attend Discovery Sessions with Apothic Wines and Larry Rosen

Notable Now Calgary: October 10, 2014

Notable Now this week in Calgary: The opening of Modern Menswear, Circque de Nuit, falling for the East Village, Halfy Hour at Anejo, Toast and Jam at Bespoke, and a flashback to the always-fun 80s

Notable Now Vancouver: October 10, 2014

Notable Now this week in Vancouver: Vancouver’s Sustenance Festival, Whistler’s Annual Turkey Sale, Fright Nights at the PNE, Beerlesque IV, the Turkey Trot, and Toast to the Coast

Notable Now Toronto: October 3, 2014

Notable Now this week in Toronto: Nuit Blanche, world-class stand-up comedy, more Oktoberfesting, and a whole bunch of wine, food, and fashion. If you’re starting the season indoors, you’re doing it wrong

Notable Now Calgary: October 3, 2014

Notable Now this week in Calgary: Something a lot funnier than watching re-runs of Seinfeld all weekend, PARKLUXE, a live performance of Othello, Oktoberfest celebrations, a visit to new hot spot Cleaver, and the Phantom of the Opera