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Must Attend: CANFAR’s Paint the Town Red

The springtime charity circuit has definitely arrived. On Saturday, May 10th, young professionals (YPs) from across the city will converge at The Burroughes Building to imagine a future without HIV/AIDS as they raise money and awareness for the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR). Here’s why you should be there

Must Attend: The Pink Party

You’ve heard a lot about Paul Etherington from us lately; he is the young professional behind the beloved motionball charity and also a new contributor on for all charity-related wisdom. One would think that the massive undertaking that is motionball is enough for Etherington, who also has a pretty serious job and a family. Nope. Back again on Friday, April 11th is The Pink Party

5 Awesome Reasons to Attend the motionball Calgary Gala

Calgary young professionals, what are your plans for tonight? Whatever you have on your agenda, make sure you’re in attendance for the motionball Gala at Flames Central. If you haven’t already purchased your ticket, here are five awesome reasons why you need to attend

Notable’s Best of 2013: Toronto Events

One thing is certain: Toronto has a year-round, bustling event scene that caters to a young professional (YP) crowd, offering so many options that it is difficult to do them all. Yet, we did our best and were there, camera in hand, for some of the city’s most memorable events

Must Attend: RENDER Vol. 1

Prepare for sensory overload at RENDER: Vol. 1. This creative collaboration sees Chef Rob Bragagnolo from Marben cookin’ up a fixed-course pop-up meal alongside amazing works from four up-and-coming visual artists and live performances and melding of sounds from six barons of beats